The One Place In The World That Still Celebrates Mitt Romney

What do you do with T-shirts from a failed presidential campaign? Did you ever wonder where they go? Well, in the case of the ill-fated 2012 Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan ticket, the best place to donate your unwanted and unneeded Mitt Romney campaign t-shirts?is to the ancestral country of your rival. In this case, Kenya, the birthplace of President Barack Obama’s father.?The?Knox County Romney Campaign of?Tennessee?has shipped their unwanted and unneeded (yeah I wanted to say that twice)?Mitt Romney campaign T-shirts to the?Orbit Village Project?in Nairobi, Kenya.

Mitt Romney campaign t-shirts

As reported by the Daily Caller,?Alexander Waters, campaign director for the Knox County Romney Campaign, explained that his organization chose the Orbit Village Project because his mother,?Cyndy Waters, runs the project and its American base is in Sevierville, Tenn.

?I mentioned to her that we had a lot of [Mitt Romney campaign] shirts and that we were wondering if they had a need for them and she said, ?Yes, that would be great.? So instead of putting them into a?storage?unit or something we were like, ?We can generate some good out of these shirts,?? Waters said.??I’ve been over there and a?shirt?can go a long way,? he added.

Ironically, the children received their new duds on the Fourth of July. The shirts will outfit more than 200 children and some adults. ?Won’t this make the blood of birthers — and well….most conservatives — boil?

I agree with @YeaYouRite:

We must remember that Mitt Romney thinks it’s cute to have human beings in undeveloped countries sleeping stacked on top of each other. I really can’t think of any better use for the Mitt Romney presidential campaign T-shirts than that they end up in Kenya. For a number of reasons.

All images are courtesy of the Daily Caller.

Mitt Romney campaign t-shirts


Mitt Romney campaign t-shirts


Mitt Romney campaign t-shirts


Mitt Romney campaign T-shirts



I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.