Larry The Cable Guy: ‘Gay Marriage Ain’t Affecting My Life’

Even rednecks can be enlightened. Comedian Larry the Cable Guy, otherwise known as Dan Whitney, shared possibly surprising views on gay marriage. Frankly, Larry just doesn’t give a damn about it. He doesn’t think anyone else should either.

“I’m so sick of hearing ‘gay this’ and ‘gay that’. It ain’t affecting my life at all,” Whitney said, during an interview with Larry King. ” I don’t know when we turned into a nation of 3-year-old babies. Everything offends everybody.”

Larry’s more concerned about fellow Americans counting their blessings. Ironically, those blessings just might be a curse and incentive for complaining.

“We live in the freest, greatest country in the world,” Whitney said. “That’s why there’s so many people bitching about stuff, because they got it too good in this country.”

In other countries, Larry said, people spend more time searching for food than complaining. That’s an interesting observation. However, according to Salon, while the U.S. Census Bureau said 15 percent of Americans hover near the poverty line, it’s actually more like 50 percent.

Even so, from Whitney’s vantage point, calling America home is a great privilege. So, he believes fellow citizens should gripe less and show more gratitude–and mind your own business.

“It’s like, you live in America, lighten up,” Whitney said. “I think it get ridiculous after a while. Live your life and leave other people alone. Enjoy your life. Enjoy being an American. It’s a great country why you gotta complain about everything.”

His progressive reaction to marriage equality prompted a satirical response from Huffington Post. Maybe antigay forces should take the hint from this turn of events.

Dear Conservative America: When you’ve lost Larry the Cable? Guy as a champion of “traditional marriage,” your crusade against? marriage equality may be over.

Well, you can’t judge a man by his camouflage cap.


Image credit: Larry the Cable Guy Facebook page

Edited by WP.

Jason Carson Wilson is a Chicago-based freelance writer with more than 10 years of journalism experience. Wilson previously worked as a staff writer for daily and weekly newspapers throughout downstate Illinois. He also contribute to the Windy City Times. Wilson, a gay, African-American, is a first-year Chicago Theological Seminary student. He covers stories about GLBT rights, human rights, marriage equality, politics, race, and religion.