Marsupials Girls Gone Wild: Extreme Mating Causing Worldwide Fatalities

If the topic of sex wasn’t stressful enough, scientists have discovered that the act of sex and the promiscuity of some marsupial females cause the male to die after the act of mating.? For decades scientists have been studying different types of marsupials in hopes to figure out the real reason why these sweet and fuzzy creatures are dropping dead directly after mating. Studies have revealed it’s not a heroic choice to leave enough food behind, but rather a stress reaction, leaving daddy marsupial for the worse.

Over 15 species of marsupials, including 12 Australian species of antichenus, were studied and documented through the yearly rigorous mating season. The U.S. based Proceedings of the National Academy of Science produced research explaining that the post-coitus death rate is due to the extreme effort these animals put forth to ensure the survival of sperm. Diana Fisher, from the University of Queensland stated:

They mate for 12 to 14 hours at a time with lots of females, and they use up their muscle and body tissues and they are using all of their energy to competitively mate, that’s what they are doing. It’s sexual selection.

The female species escalated this death rate by syncing their mating seasons and mating promiscuously. This cuts down on male to male marsupial fights, and allows the sperm to fight it out, hoping to be the quickest and strongest. These two stressors are the main causes for the male to drop out after the race, leaving room for more mating and internal competition.

Scientists are baffled by the female domination and ultimate destruction of the male population of these species of marsupials. This natural phenomena, however, has not put these species at any risk of extinction, but unfortunately leaves a trail of furry marsupial bodies during mating season.

Edited/Published by:SB

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