Buzzfeed Tries To Make Fun Of Images And Fails

There has been much said about the new health care exchange website It has had some glitches. When people rushed to sign up when enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) started, the site crashed. Buzzfeed has decided to feature part of the site — its stock photos.

We all recognize stock photos. They are the ever-present uber-emotive images that are so cheesy that captions and meme ideas for them pop into peoples heads without much thought. It seems that this is what happened to the good people at Buzzfeed. Judging by the comments section, ?their attempt at humor fell flat for many readers.

Some of the photo captions — like those in the images below — are getting very negative responses.

10-26-2013 10-51-01 PM
“Number 12”
Image via and Buzzfeed


10-26-2013 10-50-07 PM
Image via and Buzzfeed

Like this one:

Wow, really? Diabetic enrollment? Yes, how about we get more coverage for us diabetics, who did nothing to get our disease, work hard to keep it together (YOU try acting like a f**king internal organ 24/7) and many of us do not get ANY healthcare benefits, even if we HAVE insurance.F**K YOU BUZZFEED. I don’t give a F**K about you ragging on Obamacare, but WOW.

And this one:

Number 12 was pathetic and ignorant…..

The others captions just seemed to miss the comedy mark, especially considering many reinforce facts about the ACA that are being distorted.

Obamacare jokes
Image via Buzzfeed

One read “My deductible just skyrocketed so f**k you” over the face of a smiling young man. Surely many will find some if not all of the captions funny, but judging from the comments most people were not amused.

When I was scrolling through waiting to laugh, I chuckled a few times and then fell flat at number 12 , which is the “you are not my mother” photo, here is why.

me and mum

This is my me and my mom when I was a kid. She is my biological mother. I went through my childhood having people ask if she was my “real” mother. In 2013, it should be a given that families can look many different ways. That skin color doesn’t define a family. Buzzfeed should know better.

I already know people will say it’s a joke and it doesn’t matter. To many mixed-race families it does. Families like mine get stopped in stores and other public places and questioned if our children are ours for no other reason than skin color. It has happened to my fianc??while out at the park with our kids, much like it happened to a white man who was suspected of kidnapping his biracial daughters at Walmart. All because people can’t conceive in their minds families with people that look different. Perhaps the next time Buzzfeed does a comedy bit they can keep that in mind.




Laurie Bertram Roberts is the president of Mississippi National Organization for Women, a feminist activist, full spectrum doula and writer in Jackson, MS. Her family suspected she was trouble when at age 8 she preferred reading weekly news magazines over girly magazines. Her early fascination with liberal ideals, women's rights, was not quite welcome in her conservative fundamentalist Christian home. She is incredibly passionate about reproductive justice and fighting all forms of oppression. When not speaking truth to power she is likely hanging out with her children watching sci fi or doing other nerd like things.