It’s hard to imagine a more heated and emotionally charged moment than seeing your child lying in the street struck by a moving vehicle. When?26-year-old Christopher Middleton ran outside his home to see his 4 year old daughter?Taniyah Middleton laying injured in the street after being struck by a motorcycle, he was upset and confronted the rider. Then he was shot and killed.According to;

?Taniyah Middleton and her 18-year-old cousin were crossing First Avenue at the same time an unnamed off-duty officer was riding his motorcycle on that road. Approaching the pair, the officer allegedly did not see them until it was too late, and in an effort to avoid them, jumped off his motorcycle. The motorcycle then skidded into the little girl.

Immediately following Taniyah’s father, Christopher Middleton ran over and confronted the rider, an eight-year veteran off-duty Chicago police officer. Allegedly Mr. Middleton hit the off duty officer and they were in a physical altercation when the officer reached for his weapon and shot Mr. Middleton in the groin.

Mr. Middleton’s sister, Tina Middleton, spoke of her brother with the Chicago Sun Times?shortly after his death ?He was a good person,? she said. ?I know for sure he wasn’t out to harm the man. My brother would never harm anybody. I could understand him [the officer] being upset, but two wrongs don’t make a right.?

According to the Sun Times at the time of his death, Mr. Middleton was due to be married in a few days. He was survived by his injured daughter, a 6-year old son and an unborn child.

Since the incident over a year ago concerned parties have been awaiting the results of the ongoing investigation being conducted by the Independent Police Review Authority.


Edited by SS


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