Republican Congressman Steve Stockman, who represents Texas’ 36th Congressional District, thinks Ted Cruz’s government shutdown strategy was “brilliant”. As usual the Tea Party fanatic from Texas is disconnected from political and empirical reality. While public opinion polls unequivocally show that the government shutdown was an unmitigated public relations disaster for the GOP, Stockman hails Ted Cruz as a hero and a genius. Stockman calls Ted Cruz smart and likens his grandstanding to the battle of the Alamo. In his interview with World Net Daily, Stockman defended Cruz’s strategy stating;

Cruz’s ploy, which was ridiculed by many of the party members, was brilliant; he got 5.5 million names, they now know he is a man of principle, so I think it was smart.

Steve Stockman has never been known for his judgment. This is a guy, after all, who appeared on a holocaust denier radio show and who was once arrested on felony charges for smuggling valium in his underwear. Given Stockman’s utter cluelessness on so many issues perhaps it is little wonder he thinks Ted Cruz is a genius.

Unfortunately, the tone-deaf Congressman spends an inordinate share of his time trying to find reasons to impeach President Obama while systematically ignoring his constituents. The fact that he thinks Ted Cruz did the Republican Party a favor merely illustrates how out of touch he and the Texas Senator are with their constituents.

Texans, like most Americans, would like their representatives to focus on jobs, health care, and education. Instead, they have representatives like Senator Cruz and Representative Stockman who are more interested in obstructionism and self-aggrandizement than they are in governing. Texas deserves better.

Editor SS


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