Occupy has been around for centuries. They keep reinventing themselves. Sometimes they are called revolutionaries. Other times they are called, The People.

This inspiring video was uploaded to YouTube six months after the Occupy began. The movement is now in its third year. We can be thankful to the original Occupiers who set up tent residences and marched through city centers around the world, in protest of greed and corruption. Because of them, there is a stronger awareness of how the richest 1% of the population, is controlling the other 99%. A change for the better continues.

?First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.??? Mahatma Gandhi

For those unable to view the video, here is the?YouTube link?and screen shots from the above video.
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Sources:??OccupyTVNY,?Ian MacKenzie,?Velcrow Ripper,?99% The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film,?Arun Fryer,?Richard Neufeld,?Shit Scott Walker Is Doing To My State [SSWIDTMS]Dance Without Borders,?Ben Flanigan,?BergenInc,?Jeffrey KanjanapangkaAnonOps111, Steven Greenstreet,?Caitlin Manning,?David Martinez,?John Hamilton,?Brandon Jourdan,?YaBasta5000,?GlobalRevolution.tv,?Alex Mallis,?Lily Henderson,?Ed David,?Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective,?MrPotatoHeadNews,?OccupySFMediaVideo, TheFreemanSmith,?Alex Kopel,?buddhabanana,?ButchNews,?The Other 98%,?Mike McSweeney,?YesLabMedia,?OccupyLondon,?newWorldBanana,?D.C. Douglas,?Abby MartinMedia Roots,?Brandon Hill,?Herald Sun,?KTVU,Occupy Portland Video Collective,?Emily Sperry,?GetGroundedTV,?Enzo Cavalli,?,?Jamiroquai, Buy “Money Back Guarantee”

Special thanks:?ABBA


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