Ladies, Apparently, We DO Need Husbands.

Recently on Fox News, there was a segment aired called “You Do Need A Husband!” The guest that was on, Suzanne Venker, is the founder of the site, “Women for Men.”? Her appearance was followed up by an article that she wrote titled, “Why Women Still Need Husbands,” which was published on the Fox News website.

Women won’t find fulfillment by trying to balance a relationship, family, and full time work.

According to Suzanne Venker, women have to have a man to go to bed with, rather than a paycheck, even though financial independence is a good thing. But the thing is, our identities are not inexplicably tied to our paychecks, but to our desires to have babies- because, you know, every woman wants to have babies.

We, as women, are not empowered by being beholden employers, either. We have to have a man to take care of us, apparently.

While women’s identities are tied to having babies, men’s are tied to their paycheck, too.

The problem with this.

The problem with this ideology, for both men and women, is that it limits both to a certain role and that role alone for each one. Some people do not see the controversy in this, but, the controversy with it is the encouraging of women to become dependent on men and for men to allow it.? It is limiting to both and insulting to both because it is saying that these roles are the only ones available.

The men on the segment saw no problem with this, but the lady did. Anna Kooiman was skeptical and became personal with Suzanne Venker, asking what she would suggest Ms. Kooiman do. Suzanne Venker then replied that she should, once she finds what she is looking for, settle down and marry, while understanding time is her worst enemy as a woman. Suzanne Venker then told her that if she found that she wanted to embrace her other side that was not career oriented, she should and then thank her husband for taking care of her and allowing her to be a housewife.

Understand this.

I am not saying anything against women who decide to become a stay at home wife and mother. There is nothing wrong with doing that and does not take away from a woman or take away from her empowerment. However, what does cause a problem, is saying that this is the way it should be for all women, simply because we are women.

That is what takes away from us as women- being consigned to specific roles based on our gender or sex. It also takes away from men because it limits them to a point of only being providers and nothing more. The way society is set up today, not all women are able to be homemakers and not all men are able to be the breadwinners. For many, it has to be a mix of the two for a couple.

Other things not considered.

  • Same sex couples
  • Couples who do not want to get married
  • Transgender people

This is looked at as only a 1950s household, where June Cleaver wore pearls and heels to vacuum in and had a feast laid out for her husband and boys every night for dinner. It terribly limits society on a whole because not everyone is looking for that. And, for those that are, there is nothing wrong with seeking that. It’s just simply not for everyone.

Edited/Published by: SB