While Mcdonald’s, Burger King, Wendy?s, and all the other likes of digestive disasters are hoarding away billions of profit off the sweat of an underpaid staff, there sits a quaint, humble, and philanthropic pizzeria pub in Jackson, Mississippi. This pizza/pub ?donated an entire day’s worth of profit on December 10, 2013 to be split among their employees as a Christmas bonus. This restaurant beacon of exemplary business ethic goes by the name ?Klavon’s Pizzeria and Pub”. Now I know, a Tuesday doesn’t seem like that big a deal to donate profits on, but regardless of the day, has anyone ever heard of such a generous deed by an employer??Justin Klavon,?owner of Klavon’s Pizzeria and Pub said:

Passing on all of the proceeds from a full day’s sales is a unique and meaningful way to show appreciation for all they do to provide an excellent experience to all of our loyal Jackson County customers.

Mcdonald’s, one of the most nefarious “restaurants” in the world, from 2007-2011 experienced a profit growth of 135%. Between 2009-2011, the fast food employees earned on average $18,564, which is more than 50% below the national average at $42,110. There will be no Mcdonald’s Christmas bonuses this year like this or any at all for the minimum wage workers, and to make their staff feel even more dreary about working through the holidays, Mcdonalds has a misleading website called the Mcresource Line to help out with any inquiries regarding benefits which gave some wonderful advice such as food rationing. They also said that selling your holiday gifts for cash is a good way to pay off debt. Here is a video about a Mcdonald’s worker of ten years calling this so called “helpline.”

Below is Mcdonald’s pure profit after taxes and everything(net income):

2008- 4.31 billion, 2009-4.55billion, 2010-4.95billion, 2011-5.5billion, 2012-5.46 billion

If you live in the Jackson, Mississippi area and would like to support his staff for the holidays, come in and buy a pizza or two from a restaurant that gives praise and recognition for a job well done.

Edited/Published by: SB




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