Watch This Principal Make School Cancellations A Lot More Fun

2-9-2014 11-20-46 AM

There’s an elementary school principal and drama teacher in Boone Co., Kentucky who will likely never have trouble finding jobs. When Stephens Elementary School had to close due to weather conditions, Principal Jim Detwiler and drama teacher Chad Caddell decided to put some fun into the situation.? From KSN:

Stephens Elementary School principal Jim Detwiler and drama teacher Chad Caddell sang a closing song to the tune of Queen’s ?Bohemian Rhapsody? for the automated closing phone system.

The pair recorded the song last week in anticipation of a possible closing this week, Detwiler said.?Detwiler said he’s trying to show kids how creative they can be with technology and trying to entertain the parents.

From the duo’s YouTube channel:

We like to have fun at our school. So, after several school closings due to snow and cold, we recorded this call to parents to see if we could make them laugh. I think we succeeded. Boone County Schools in Kentucky is one of the nation’s finest. And, our awesome parents deserve this chuckle. By the way, if this video can gain us some exposure, AND you know of someone willing to help us out with some cash for technology, we DESPERATELY need it. Ellen? Rosie? Oprah? Jimmy Kimmel? We love our jobs – I hope you can tell!

Watch these cool educators rock out to a cover(ish) of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody:


Another message to announce that school was cancelled resulted in this cover of “Ice Ice Baby” with an added, extra-special message that shows why Mr. Detwiler wins a Liberal America Teacher of the Year award. Yeah, I just made that up. There will be hundreds or thousands awarded.



Now, follow Principal Detwiler’s advice. Go make stuff!

I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.