WMM-FlierYou’ve probably noticed the recent war on white people by now. They’ve had it rough, haven’t they? That’s what Kyle Hunt believes, a 30-year-old bigot living in small town Massachusetts, near Cape Cod. Hunt is co-host of Renegade Broadcasting — a racist online radio station whose listeners are concerned with the “destruction of the white race” — and the founder of the White Man March scheduled for Saturday, March 15 — a vast pro-white exhibition intended to coincide with St. Patrick’s Day, citing numerous cities participating around the world in solidarity with archaic fascism.

White supremacists fearing their privilege slipping away will bear banners reading, “‘DIVERSITY’ = WHITE GENOCIDE” and other such nonsense in the hopes of communicating their disgust for “white countries” being taken over by Jews and other such colorful language. And if that doesn’t do it for you, perhaps the White Man March flash mob will hillbilly stomp its way into your favor and make you rethink that whole “equality” thing.

20140103111302-design2But don’t get Hunt wrong; he doesn’t wish to come across as a clown. The Amherst College graduate brags to have been a recruiter for Google and to have started numerous start-ups in Silicon Valley before moving back East. Clearly an expert on race, Hunt knows the score: the numbers are poor — too low for aggressive tactics, too small to look strong in a march. Rallies like his always end up “looking like a circus,” so Hunt decided to do the next best thing — make it a circus himself by providing virtually no oversight and encouraging duck and dash publicity stunts along with photo-ops wherever there isn’t much adversarial static by either “anti-white” protestors or Johnny Law. To top it off, the White Man March will not even include a march. Instead, participants are encouraged to avoid confrontation. Hunt recommends everyone forego their “paramilitary uniforms”, Nazi and Klan outfits.

If you are a man, put on a pair of light khakis and a nice dress shirt. It should almost look like you are a groomsman at a wedding. Or maybe like an avenging Aryan angel. Women, you know how to look great in white.

Sunglasses are also promoted to “intimidate others who cannot see your eyes, while making you seem cool and collected.”

Encouraged by the amount of pro-white “philosophy” he sees on the Internet, Hunt decided it was time for action. According to him, white people are continually being “mocked, displaced and violently attacked” by the liberal notion of “diversity.”

Hunt writes:

This ‘diversity’ agenda is being directed at white countries (and only at white countries) with various programs to ensure that there are less white people at schools and in the work force, which is unfair and discriminatory, taking away money and opportunities from the White citizens.

Hunt believes coinciding the event with St. Patrick’s Day is ideal, which begs the question as to what exactly does and doesn’t pass for “white.” Regardless, the event is reported to be taking place in numerous cities throughout the U.S., as well as across the globe, including London and Slovakia.

Hunt writes on the White Man March page:

We are now in a position to make a serious statement to the anti-Whites. That is why we need to be on a consistent message and execute our plans with power and precision. We can learn from the failures and successes of the past so as to use our energy effectively.

wmm1-792x1024His strategy? Hunt stated on a recent episode of White Rabbit Radio (another racist podcast) that “marchers” should organize in small groups, fly and drop banners quickly, snap some photos and scoot before trouble brews. In short, dress in your Sunday best and make it seem like white supremacists are wholesome families with good Christian values, make it seem like a massive protest all over town through selective, tightly shot media coverage — create the illusion of a mass movement where there is surely to be, in actuality, a paltry, sad and confused turnout.

Hunt told the White Rabbit’s host, Horus the Avenger:

If you show up at a place where the press is already there, you’ve got police, you’ve got the anti-fascists, I’d say take your people and go somewhere else.

(According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Horus the Avenger’s “secret identity” is 43-year-old Michigan resident, Timothy Murdock, currently living in his parents’ basement.)

Overall, Hunt continued:

I’m not looking for any big confrontations on this day. I don’t think that’s the goal.

And regarding why the White Man March is not actually a march, Hunt stated:

We’re not advocating the planned marches that I don’t think have been very successful in the past. You’ve got people in uniforms, they’re holding shields and all the rest. It almost – it becomes something of a circus. And unless you have a lot of people out there marching, it doesn’t look good for our cause, in my opinion…. If there aren’t any opposition forces there, we’ll be the ones with all of the media. And we’ll select out the pieces of media that make us look the best.

While the details are either being held close to the vest or have yet to be worked out, a white nationalist group called Free America Rally is organizing gatherings from New York City to the California coast for Saturday’s non-march, and several other white nationalist groups have signed on to do the same. An organizer from one such group stated:

This event will only work if you truly believe in the cause. Come prepared to participate. We need leaders who are willing to educated and stand with us when it looks like no one is there. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday March 15th!

So don’t forget, America — take a good look! Saturday may not be a march, but it will surely be a parade. If you have ever had any doubt as to whether white people run the world, just watch as they fight for the spotlight to convince you not only that they still do run the world, but that they still deserve to do so, as well, not take all this disdain and neglect they are feeling from everyone lately. They’ll get you thinking white folks are taking such a beating that they need a commemorative pride day (or month) to remind everyone that they still matter. What was that old line by Malcolm X, again?

Yep, white folks sure have gotten a bum rap, haven’t they? It sure must have been tough to crack all those whips and hold up those fire hoses. Those dogs aren’t going to sick themselves on the “anti-whites,” eh? Better organize.

What Is The White Man March?


Edited/Published by: SB