What is going on in North Carolina? Two boys in as many months have made the national news for being bullied at school. Both boys are fans of the show “My Little Pony”, most of the characters are girls and apparently, this makes boy fans targets for bullying.
The Blaze reported this month on Grayson Bruce, a nine year old fan of the show who showed up at school with a “My Little Pony” lunchbox. After Grayson was pushed, punched and called names, the school got involved. But not in the way you might think, or hope:
?school officials blamed Grayson’s open appreciation for ?My Little Pony? rather than punishing the bullies.
The schools solution was to tell Grayson that he was no longer allowed to bring his “My Little Pony” lunchbox to school. You might think the school counselor would be more sympathetic, but according to The Blaze,
?Then a?school counselor showed up and said her son ?should hide his lunch box in his backpack and that when you carry things like that these things happen.?
Where is the outrage over the bullying? Where are the suspensions and disciplinary actions for the bullies? Where are the adults saying that this behavior is wrong? You would think there would be more concern considering that last month ?ABC reported on an 11 year old North Carolina boy who that hung himself from his?bunk-bed ?in reaction to the bullying he received from being a “My Little Pony” fan.
ABC reports that,
Michael tried to kill himself, apparently because he could no longer take the torrent of bullying he was facing at school.
Though Michael is on life support facing life long brain damage due to having gone without oxygen for too long, the article goes on to say,
Incredibly, the bullying hasn’t stopped. Michael’s parents say just Sunday night on a generally supportive website, a few people left very hurtful comments.
Again I have to ask, what is wrong with North Carolina? What is wrong with our society? Are we really this homophobic? Are we so rigid in our gender roles that boys can’t like a show about ponies? I mean, ponies! What little boy doesn’t love ponies? ?And where are the other nine and ten year old kids learning to be so intolerant, hateful and mean?
Much focus is always given to the victims of bullying. What do they have in common? What type of personalities get bullied? When will we stop blaming the victim and focus on what causes bullies to bully? When do we stop punishing the boy with the “My Little Pony” lunchbox for being genuine and true to himself and say that the bullies are wrong?
More importantly, when do we stand up and call school officials out for supporting bullying through their refusal to intervene? For their insistence that it is the victims fault for not conforming to an outdated, misogynistic and chauvinistic cultural standard? Our children’s well being, sense of self and even their very lives are at stake!
Edited/Published by: SB