Entertainer Nadia Kamil’s ‘Pap Rap’ is awesome.?This engaging and fun video is packed full of stats, facts, and reassurance that pap smears are truly fairly uneventful, quick, and painless. A wonderful video to show teens and young women who have never had a pap smear. From the YouTube description:
Ladies! And anyone with a cervix! I recommend getting screened for cervical cancer if you can.
In the UK this is at age 25 and older, and if the results are clear you only have to go back again every three years.
Please excuse the misogynistic language of hip-hop in order to promote women’s health. It’s a balance, isn’t it? It’s a tricky balance.
Nadia has an Etsy shop. Consider visiting.?For more information about pap smears, cervical cancer, and the HPV test, visit?CDC.gov.
h/t Jezebel