These Propaganda Posters Of The 1% Will Chill You To The Bone

I stumbled upon an amazing site called Visual News and the first post I saw was this one. These images are perhaps especially?chilling to me personally because a few months ago, I had a late-night conversation with someone in which he explained perfectly and in great detail the concepts portrayed in these posters.

His words chilled me at the time. He took away, for a moment, my hope for change and progress, when he told me that he believes that it’s extremely unlikely that we (the 99%) will win this war. Seeing his insight validated in these posters makes the hair stand up on the back of my arms. Really.

I changed something in him that night, too. I told him that if what he believes is true, we have to be even more diligent in our work. What we can do is fight to get the working poor that $100 worth of food stamps, to get hard-working uninsured people?the right to buy affordable health insurance, and to fight for children to have the right to an equal opportunity. We may be fighting a war that we’ll never win, but we nevertheless must keep fighting. He said it made him see things differently.

From Visual News:

These bold red posters aren’t just propaganda, but also a warning of how the top 1% of the wealthy may be looking down upon the rest of us: the so called 99%. The poster above is especially ominous; will we as a global community be able to stay steadfast and sway the giant that controls the majority of our world resources and wealth? Find out more about Fro, the Los Angeles based designer behind these posters or order prints at?

I’ll let the images speak for themselves. I’d love to know your thoughts about them, so please leave comments.

class warfare propaganda poster
Fro Design Company via Visual News
class warfare propaganda poster
Fro Design Company via Visual News
class warfare propaganda poster
Fro Design Company via Visual News
class warfare propaganda poster
Fro Design Company via Visual News


I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.