Minnesota Man Threatens Father Over Bike Lessons (VIDEO)

gary-eugene-drake (2)
Gary Drake (courtesy of CBS Minnesota).

Today in ?What The Heck Is Wrong With People News,? I present 61-year-old Gary Drake of Rosemount, Minnesota. Gary Drake apparently became upset with his neighbor over his method of teaching his 7-year-old daughter how to ride a bicycle. He has been arrested and charged with two felonies.

Fox 9:

?Gary Drake, 61, is facing second-degree assault and terroristic threat charges after he was accused of brandishing a shotgun on Daytona Way last week.?

The neighbor told police that while giving his daughter lessons on her bicycle, Drake began to give him advice. When the neighbor told him, ?I got it,? Drake became belligerent.

CBS Minnesota:

?He told police he was teaching his 7-year-old to ride on Daytona Way near their home when Drake began to yell at him. At first, he couldn’t make out what Drake was saying, but then he heard Drake criticize how he was teaching his daughter.?

?If you don’t like my advice, get off the street,? Drake told his neighbor.

When reminded that he did not own the street, Drake went and got his gun.

CBS Minnesota:

?After that, Drake got angry, retrieved his shotgun, and pointed it at his neighbor, threatening to shoot him. Police identified the shotgun as a Remington 870.?

Drake’s wife tried to bring him in the house, but he came back out and commented to his neighbor, ?I’m going to kill ya.?

Though arrested, Drake appeared to officers as if he wasn’t sorry and didn’t really care. Police have said he told officers, ?Maybe next time. I should have shot him.? When questioned about drinking, he confirmed he had been drinking ?all day, but denied that it influenced his actions.?

Whatever you say Mr. Drake.

Though I’d like to say it seems like Mr. Drake suffers from some sort of mental stability, I really would prefer to see this man in jail. That may not seem very fair, but not only did he threaten to shoot his neighbor, he did so in front of his 7-year-old daughter. Can you imagine the fear she feels? Not even looking at the great gun debate, let’s just agree on this: Alcohol and guns don’t mix. I would love to hear what you think on the Liberal America page or my own Facebook page! Check us out and throw us some likes!

Check out Fox 9’s report on this craziness below.

LizLeeLiz Lee considers herself a modern woman of the South and hails from the swamps of South Georgia. She votes along no party line and prefers to look at issues from all angles before taking a stance. She takes particular interest in healthcare issues, mental health issues, and the battle for equality. She is also an emphatic advocate for the end to dog breed discrimination legislation. She is a wife, mother of one human child, mother to one furry American Bully, a college student, and also your typical everyday Wonder Woman. When she hangs up her cape, you can find her curled up in her office sewing, writing, playing World of Warcraft, or practicing banjo. You can follow her on Facebook to see what issue she is tackling.

h/t Addicting Info

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