“It started with a vuvuzela, then a scream, and suddenly a seemingly quiet S?o Paulo?neighborhood erupted in deafening cheers as Brazil scored against Croatia in the opening gam of the World Cup on June 12.” Claus Whiers
Local resident Claus Whiers filmed this amazing reaction from his home in Moema,?S?o Paulo, as the match between host team Brazil and Croatia unfolded on Thursday. The “bangs” you can hear are fireworks, not gunshots.
Wahiers filmed this video/audio during Brazil’s first World Cup match. He’says there were no big outdoor screenings nearby?and the cheers you hear are just people watching in their own small groups. You can also?hear the difference between people watching the game using an antenna (“over the air” aka OTA) versus people watching via cable; the cable feed has about a two-second delay.
This is how my neighborhood sounds when Brazil scores in the World Cup from Claus Wahlers on Vimeo.
This is in Moema, S?o Paulo. Opening game Brasil x Croatia.?And no, those are not gunshots. It’s just regular brazilian fireworks.