The NRA is now defending stalkers and abusers. Yes, you read that correctly.

Courtesy of The Young Turks, it has been brought to attention that the NRA is opposing the bill titled, S.1290, presented by Senator Amy Klobaucher (D., Minnesota).

Now, surely this is something that will affect all gun owners and something that will make sure a good person has a gun over a bad person, right?


S.1290 is a bill that is targeted at not allowing those who have been convicted of stalking and abuse of intimate partners to be denied the right to own a firearm. From the Huffington Post,

“Federal law already bars persons convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from purchasing firearms. S.1290, introduced by Amy Klobaucher (D., Minn.), would add to that group of offenders and would expand the current definition of those convicted of domestic violence against “intimate partners” to include those who harmed dating partners. “

The NRA’s Stance.

While federal law already bars persons convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from purchasing firearms, it doesn’t include those who are convicted of stalking or those who harmed dating partners.

It is only for those that are in committed relationships or married.

The NRA strongly opposes S.1290 because it could turn something as simple as a dispute or an argument into a lifetime barring of gun ownership, whether it be between dating partners, family members, those in civil unions, or domestic partners.

An example used in the letter is a shoving match between two gay men, both of equal strength and stature.

The NRA also states that stalking offenses do not result in violence towards a person or threats towards another person, because stalking is too broad of a term and that doesn’t necessarily indicate a danger to women- like women are the only ones affected or victims of domestic violence.


The Facts.

Yet the facts state differently.

When someone stalks you, they are fixated on you and obsessed with you. They feel a possessiveness towards you that they do not have a right to feel, and often get the mentality that, if they can’t have you, no one else can either.

There are two incidents of girls being stalked and then murdered- with a gun- by their stalkers that I have linked in this article. Their stories can be seen here and here.

As for those who have been abused by their domestic partners, over two thirds of women who were killed with a firearm, were killed by an intimate partner with said firearm.

As It Is.

As it stands right now, those who are convicted of stalking and even, in some instances, domestic violence, can walk into a gun store and buy a gun because of the way laws stand.

S.1290 would add those convicted of stalking to those who are not able to purchase firearms, as it would those who are convicted of domestic violence against an intimate partner.

Right now, the ones that cannot buy a firearm due to being convicted of domestic violence are those who are married to their abuser. But the abuse isn’t always just in married couples, and often starts during the courtship, so to speak.

Here is the video. Let us know your thoughts at the Liberal America Facebook page.