Miranda Sowers took her three children out for pizza at a Texas restaurant and was promptly kicked out after changing her daughter’s diaper at the table.
So why was Sowers changing her 4-month-old daughter’s diaper at the dining table in Brother’s Pizza Express? According to KHOU, it all started when she found there was no changing table in the bathroom.
With two older children, 4 and 8, she did not want to go out to her vehicle and take everyone with her. Being by herself, there was no one else to leave her other two?children with. Rather than leave?them?alone inside, she made a decision that she told KHOU was her last resort.
?I thought you know what I’ve got my own changing pad, she’s tiny, she fits right here on the chair? So I laid her down quickly and quietly changed her diaper.?
However, her food was brought out to her as carry out, and she was asked to leave.
When asked about the incident, the restaurant employees and owners feel they were justified in asking Sowers to leave.
Brother’s Pizza Express is a family-owned small business owned by the Lala family. They claim customers did see Sowers changing her daughter’s diaper, and they received complaints. Because they are a small business, the restaurant has only considered installing changing tables in the restrooms.
Bessa Lala:
?How would you feel? You’re sitting there eating. I don’t want to lose all these other customers because they see a dirty diaper.?
Donny Lala, Bessa’s brother and also manager, voiced the same opinion.
?As soon as you start opening the diaper, people start complaining about the smell of the diaper. Last thing I want is a customer throwing up.?
Sowers insists that no one saw her changing the diaper. She has also filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
So what do you think? Could the restaurant have handled the incident better? Was Sowers justified in changing her daughter’s diaper at the table or did she cross a line? Should public restrooms be required to have changing tables for at least mothers? Does your state require them?
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h/t to Huffington Post.
Liz Lee considers herself a modern woman of the South and hails from the swamps of South Georgia. She votes along no party line and prefers to look at issues from all angles before taking a stance. She takes particular interest in healthcare issues, mental health issues, and the battle for equality. She is also an emphatic advocate for the end to dog breed discrimination legislation. She is a wife, mother of one human child, mother to one furry American Bully, and also your typical everyday Wonder Woman. When she hangs up her cape, you can find her curled up in her office sewing, writing, playing World of Warcraft, or practicing banjo. You can follow her on Facebook to see what she’s up to. She also has a Twitter she can’t figure out how to use and is working on a website at this time.