Let’s be clear. Halloween?is?ugly. That’s the way most of us like it. We cuddle on a couch and watch Freddie Krueger or Michael Myers, or we dress up as zombies and goblins. However, the recent string of offensive costumes has been causing controversy across the United States.
Recent photos have surfaced online of people dressing up as domestic violence perpetrator and former NFL star Ray Rice. This is not the worst part. These people also have his abused girlfriend as part of their costume. Some in real life, others have carried (dragged) blow up toys or dolls as a way of poking fun at the horrific incident in the elevator that we have now all seen, where Rice knocks his girlfriend out cold. One couple even used black face (a historically offensive method of whites painting themselves black to caricature an entire group of people).
Deadspin has shown a picture of a young child partaking in these festivities. The young kid is dressed as the NFL version of Ray Rice and has a black doll by his side.
There are more offensive costumes this season alone that have been blowing up the web. There are ebola costumes. Yes, you can dress up as a sexy quarantined nurse if you would like. Wal Mart has also come under fire for having a “fat girl” section for their Halloween costumes.
We must ask ourselves, what is wrong with our culture where we can’t just dress up as iconic celebrities or scary ghouls any more, but we have to make fun of some of the worst parts of society that are 100% real. Taking such real life incidents that have caused such pain and even death, and those that provided?such a damper on the moral fabric of our country and trivializing?them, Halloween just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
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Edited by D.H.