From Twisted Sifter?and Reddit user?GimPy2434 on reddit:

Some companies require their employees to provide an official medical note when they take a ?sick day?. This Canadian doctor’s response is perfect. Note in Canada, the health-care system is publicly funded and all Canadians have access to universal coverage. If you find the text on the image above difficult to read, you can find a transcript below.

Honestly? This changes everything! Who can relate? I understand the need for a doctor’s note. I understand there are people who “fake” illness to get out of work or school. But this doctor is spot-on. I can’t even count how many times I or one of my children have been ill enough to need to stay home and away from people, yet didn’t need a doctor visit to hear “you have a cold, stay home.”



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tiffany willis texas liberal america

Tiffany Willis is a fifth-generation Texan and the founder and editor-in-chief of Liberal America. An unapologetic member of the Christian Left, she has spent most of her career actively working with ?the least of these? and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. She’s passionate about their struggles. To stay on top of topics she discusses,?like her?Facebook page,?follow her on Twitter, or?connect with her via LinkedIn. She also has?a?grossly neglected personal blog?and a?literary quotes blog that is a labor of love. Find her somewhere and join the discussion.


Dear Employer:

An employee of your company visited my office/emergency room for the purpose of obtaining a medical note to satisfy your company’s absenteeism policy. This request is a non-insured service, not funded by Medical Services Insurance.

As a business operator in Nova Scotia, I am asking for your support in helping to alleviate unnecessary pressure on the health-care system. I am hoping you will consider revisiting your current absenteeism policy and remove the requirement for your employees to obtain a medical note for missed time from work.

This policy creates an unnecessary burden on the health-care system and also exposes seriously ill patients in my office to viruses that could cause detrimental consequences to their health. In most cases, the best remedy for a patient with an isolated illness (i.e., gastrointestinal virus or common cold) is to stay home, rest and drink fluids. Coming to a doctor’s office or an emergency room for a medical note does not complement their recovery.

If, for whatever reason, your business decided to continue to require a physician to authorize their employees? absenteeism, I will require your employee to bring with them a written request from the organization for the medical note. Upon providing the service I will invoice your company $30.00 per medical note. This is a standard practice when providing non-medical necessary services for third-party organizations.

As Canadians we are lucky to have our health-care system, but the ability to access its services in a timely fashion is growing problem. Health-care providers, business operators, governments and individuals all have a role to play to ensure its sustainability. I hope your business will consider changing your current absenteeism policy and therefore contribute to reducing the unnecessary burden on our health-care system and improve access for other Nova Scotians.



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