If I’d ever watched the show, I might have a bag of jokes about former ?Saved by the Bell? star Dustin Diamond getting in a bar fight and stabbing someone with a switchblade late Christmas night a little north of Milwaukee, but I didn’t, so I don’t. Dustin Diamond, I’m afraid, will have to remain your own joke, just as his altercation in defense of his fianc? will have to remain his own Christmas chuckle in the years to come. It seems he is still finding a way to make his mark.

Diamond was charged with second-degree recklessly endangering safety Friday, along with disorderly conduct and carrying a concealed weapon after being arrested at his home late Christmas night. It seems his holiday fun came to a ?screeching? halt in a Wisconsin bar after his fianc? decked a woman for attempting to take a picture of Diamond. One thing led to another and the Port Washington, Wis. police were writing up a report that Diamond ?accidentally? stabbed a man while attempting to defend his fisticuff fianc? from two men likely angry over the woman being punched by Diamond’s bride to be.

In court, Diamond’s bail was bumped from $1,000 to $10,000 due to the numerous charges, one of which turned out to be a felony ? second-degree recklessly endangering safety. While that is rather vague language for such a serious charge, the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Department will likely tell you that stabbing someone with a switchblade constitutes recklessly endangering safety.

All the other charges are misdemeanors, but stacked together, they present quite a legal pile for the former child star turned sex tape entrepreneur turned knife fighter.

Thanks to TMZ, video has been retrieved from the bar. In it, a witness can be heard yelling:

?He’s got a f*cking knife!?

Luckily for all involved, however, the wounds suffered by one of the assailing men were not life-threatening, according to police. Now that man will be able to tell everyone he got shanked by Screech from ?Saved by the Bell,? and his fame can likely grow and surpass Diamonds? through local folklore.

Check out the video below and thank your lucky stars you are not a former child star living forever in the shadow of your most awkward teen years:

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H/T: latimes.com | Featured image: Flickr

Dylan HockDylan Hock is a poet, novelist, professor and social activist. He is published in a number of little magazines and has an essay on the muzzling of Ezra Pound included in the anthology Star Power: The Impact of Branded Celebrity. Currently, he also writes and edits for If You Only News, Addicting Info, and Reverb Press. Follow him on Ello, Google+, LinkedIn, RebelMouse and Goodreads.


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