Listen, if you’ve never neglected your baby because you mistook aliens for the word of God telling you to abandon your infant child in order to impulsively tour an amusement park, you have no business calling yourself a ?Murican. We’ve all been there, right?
So what’s the big deal about this South Carolina young mother, Francis Greene, and her boyfriend, Jason Lee, shuffling off for a spell to look at all the pretty lights while they leave Greene’s eight-month-old baby chilling in the couple’s truck in the parking lot? Do you think God aliens would tell to do something crazy like that without watching over the baby? If you can’t trust God aliens to babysit, who the heck can you trust, anyway? I’m pretty sure they both have top-notch reviews on Angie’s List.
And hey, when God aliens tell you to go see an amusement park, you GO SEE AN AMUSEMENT PARK, right? That’s just what Greene and Lee did, too, around 8 p.m. Friday, making their way into Carowinds. That’s what the York County Sheriff’s Office is saying, anyway. Who knows, though? Maybe the devil’s telling them to say that.

Carowinds security found Greene and Lee’s truck sitting oddly in the drop-off area for the park. Investigating closer, it was discovered that Greene’s baby was inside, crying like the dickens, and wouldn’t you know it, God aliens were nowhere to be found. Looks like they’ll be getting a bad review from Greene as soon as she’s able to get online again. I mean, who just leaves a baby in a truck like that? I’m sure Green was furious.
Naturally, security called authorities up right away. Meanwhile, as security waited for the local police to arrive, Greene and Lee came waltzing back to the vehicle like they’d just floated down the tunnel of love.
And hey, they’re no fools. You can’t pin a dunce cap on their heads. When Greene said she wanted to go see the amusement park and Lee offered to go with her, the couple initially did bring the baby with them, but soon thought better of it and put the child back in the truck. You know, for safe keeping. You can’t just walk around an amusement park with a baby, you know. Do you think that’s a family environment or something?
To add some legitimacy to Greene’s impulse to view the park, she told authorities that she’d ?heard voices from God telling her to go to the park,? according to the police report. What was she to do?
Local deputies stated Greene has also told them:
“The voices that she thought were God, were actually extra-terrestrials, and that they wanted her to leave her body behind and come with them. Greene said that she decided against that because she wanted to stay with her family.”
Ironic, no?
Hey, cut Greene some slack, though. She was just following orders from the heavens either way you look at it, and to ultimately defy the word of God or aliens in order to stay with your family is pretty brave. You have to give credit where credit is due.
Oh! Maybe it’s worth mentioning the couple had to jump the fence in order to enter and exit the park, too. Do you think it was second-guessing the safety of the child inside the park when Greene and Lee followed ?God?s? will, or the fact that they’d have to toss the baby over the fence to bring the child along with them?
Greene scored her own stigmata alien probe when she cut her hand on the wire fence exiting the park. She was treated by paramedics, who arrived on the scene, and was later taken to Piedmont Medical Center, in Rock Hill, in order to be further treated, possibly tested for drug use, and ?evaluated.?
Lord knows she needs it.
Ultimately, Greene is being charged with trespassing, unlawful neglect of a child and filing a false police report. Her boyfriend, Jason Lee (no, not the actor), is also being charged with trespassing and unlawful neglect of a child.
The baby was later taken into protective custody by the Easter Bunny.
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