A Mexico City mother, Molina Tapia, shared a video on Facebook of her ?darling daughter? playing a game of ?Ring Around The Rosy? with her kitten.

In the video, which is slightly over one minute in length, the little girl is seen dragging the feline in a circle by his/her front paws. The poor cat struggles to get away, but all efforts are useless. Several times the child falls on the cat.

Tapia shared the video saying,

?My darling daughter with our pet cat?

Shortly after Tapia shared the video of her daughter, it had been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people, many whom were enraged at what they were seeing. Some animal activists went as far as claiming the toddler was a ?serial killer? in the making.

I’m not sure I would go as far as saying this incident is predictive of a future murderous rampage. Perhaps if the child was intentionally inflicting pain I could jump that far passed calm rational thought, however, this little girl had no ill intent in her actions. She had no idea she was doing something that could hurt her furry friend. She was playing a game with her kitty like she plays with friends, siblings, or stuffed animals.

There is absolutely no excuse for the mother, though. As parents it is part of our job to raise decent global citizens. This important task includes treating all friends, even those with fur, with respect. Rather than immediately grabbing the camera and giggling as her daughter mopped the floor with the family pet, she should have reached over to her daughter and played a game of, ?awww, pet the kitty.?

Instead, she recorded the incident, placed it on social media, and was shamed to the point of deactivating her Facebook profile.

Watch the video below. But, be warned; if you love animals, it will make your heart hurt and likely infuriate you.

It’s important to note that animal cruelty laws are non-existent in Mexico. Humane Society International has a current action campaign calling for stronger laws against animal cruelty, specifically in Mexico.

H/T: Wyatt Castle at If You Only News



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