James Robertson. Image via My Fox Detroit.?

The tale of James Robertson has been on every major news source across America the past few days. ?The “marathon man” as some call him, walks 21 miles to work every single day and has done so for the last 10 years. Despite recent efforts, including a GoFundMe that generated over $300,000 in only a few short days, Robertson has decided not to get car. Robertson still wakes up every morning and begins his 21-mile journey to work. This had become the norm for Robertson until his life would change forever soon enough.

In fact, that change?began?when?David Fischer Jr. of Suburban Ford gave Robertson his very own Ford Taurus. Fischer said:

“He almost started to cry, and I said ‘James, you can’t do that, you are going to make me cry too.'”

However, perhaps what was most touching was the gratitude of Roberston, a man who started walking to work after his 1988 Honda sedan broke down 10 years before. Robertson was so overcome with joy and emotions that he had this to say about his new ride.

“The reason I picked the Taurus, I remember the old Taurus from the 1980s, [and] They never were this fancy or anything, but like me they have a strong heart from the inside.”

Robertson’s statement about his new ride could not have been more well said. Evan Leedy, the Wayne State student that created the GoFundMe account for Robertson, said:

“It was incredible, I almost started crying… My goal was just to get him in a ‘beater’ something to just get him to work and back.?I had a goal of $5,000 to raise.”

So for all of those out there that still believe that there is hope for humanity and even for those who don’t, take a moment and step back. See the goodness that lies deep within us and believe that change?happens?one person at a time.

For more on this amazing story, check out this article here.



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