Men Share How They Reacted The First Time They Saw A Vag In Real Life

A Reddit user recently posed this provocative question:

“Males of reddit, how did you react the first time you saw a vagina in real life?”

Here are some of the best responses.

“A switch turned on and my brain said, stick your fingers in it. The stick your penis switch turned on 2 minutes later.”{ –fredbrobro

“Yup, that’ll do nicely.” –shitterplug

“It tasted a lot more metallic than I thought it would though.” –PM_ME_YOUR_LIT

“I think I was about 7, had to pee so I went to the bathroom while my cousin was in the bath. Ran back out screaming because I thought a shark had bitten off her dick.” –brickmack

“huh… that is really low down…” ?-iBrewLots?

“Ya i kinda thought it’d be where the penis is.”?yum_paste

“Act like you’ve been here before.”?AllistairTenpenny

“I pictured it being very smooth on the inside, but it had much more texture than I thought. The inside had these small bumps that reminded me of this?(SFW). In retrospect, that was also due to the suction because of the secretion.” –boomer_bang

“It was a lot more wet and skin-overlappy than I thought.”?boomer_bang

“It creeped me out. It was around the same time I saw Return of the Jedi…it reminded me of the Sarlaac pit.” –Noahz-Arc

“It was way lower than I expected.?Also the girl I was with were as young and inexperienced as me. So she never shave and didn’t take a shower. It was horrible smelly sweaty bush which still turned teenager me on.” –PM_ME_IF_YOU_LONELY

“I licked it immediately. Like the second I saw it. Almost instinctively.” –MitchNYM

“First I sniffed it. Then I touched it. Then I probed it with my finger. Then I licked it. And then I put a tracking device on it so it can’t get away and I’ll always know how to find it again.” –FLGulf

“I came and started farting immediately.” –Mwunsu

“Seemed nice enough. I’d always liked the idea of a self-lubricating orifice, and appreciated the fact that poop doesn’t come out of them. So I figured I might like to try them out at some point. Wasn’t disappointed. Wasn’t particularly blown away, either. But they lived up to expectations.” –Yst

“I thought to myself, ‘Huh… I hoped it would be more arousing in real life,’ and that’s when I realized I might like men.” –JapaneseFishAss

“Freshman year of Highschool in my money management class, this one girl was talking about how she wasn’t wearing panties and only sweat pants. This football player didn’t believe her and when she stood up from her seat, he yanked her pants down. It was right in front of my face. I didn’t know what to say. I was scared. There was a plug in there, I thought she was gonna explode. I do remember someone yelling “Get that hoe a lawnmower” though.” –CaptainButtDuck

“My first thought was “that looks kind of flappy” followed immediately by burying my face in it. Learned to never judge a vagina by its cover.” –I_Ate_A_Queef

“With a raging hard on quickly followed by premature ejaculation.” –PainMatrix

“Looks harder to pee out of than a penis.” –brewtus85

“I hope my boner doesn’t show through my scrubs”. Yup the first time I saw a vagina in real life was on my OB/GYN rotation in medical school.” –AntTastic

“Tried to act nonchalant but in my mind i was screaming “P**SY…I’M ACTUALLY GETTING P**SY….THIS IS THE BEST I WANT TO DO THIS EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY!!!” –GrootThereItIs

“That’s really wrinkly.” –sketcharound


“?I was a little bit in awe and a lot grossed out. I thought, “how do they even function day to day with that? How are guys attracted to that?” –joeydball?

“Sweet merciful Christ it’s more beautiful than I imagined.” –cccp_redr4bbit

“There’s so many flaps on this thing.” –travis873o?

“That thing is labyrinthine.”?avanttard

“I had a nosebleed. I thought it only happened in anime.” –m2msucks

“This is squishy.” –Tp3n6-1


I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.