In the midst of one of the snowiest winters in recent memory, police in Merrimack, New Hampshire know exactly who to blame: Punxsutawney Phil. The groundhog, who just last week declared that there will be another 6 weeks of winter, is now a wanted man in Merrimack, and the police department took to social media to warn the public.

On the Merrimack Police Department’s Facebook page, a picture of the iconic groundhog from Caddyshack was posted along with a message detailing the legal action being taken against Punxsutawney Phil:
“We know we are a day early, however we here at Merrimack Police felt compelled to let the public know that there is a warrant for Punxsutawney Phil! We have received several complaints from the public that this little varmint is held up in a hole, warm and toasty. He told several people that Winter would last 6 more weeks, however he failed to disclose that it would consist of mountains of snow! If you see him, do not approach him as he is armed and dangerous. Call Merrimack Police, we will certainly take him into custody!“
New Hampshire has been hit by storm after storm over the past month, with many areas buried under more than five feet of snow. I myself live in southern New Hampshire and I can attest to the fact that the residents of New Hampshire have had enough of the white stuff.

Though the Merrimack Police Department’s post was obviously in jest, it certainly resonates with people from the Granite State. With yet another storm bearing down on us this weekend, I believe we are all less than pleased with Punxsutawney Phil’s predictions.