If Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is indeed planning to run for President in 2016, he might not want to count on getting the votes of anyone who considers campus sexual assault to be a problem. In his most recent budget submission, Walker has deleted all language which requires colleges and universities in the state to report sexual assault statistics to new students or the Department of Justice (DOJ).

All universities in the Wisconsin higher education system are currently required to report sexual assaults to the DOJ. But Walker’s latest proposal would eliminate that reporting, and would also do away with the requirement which states any university employee:
?…who witnesses a sexual assault on campus or receives a report from a student enrolled in the institution that the student has been sexually assaulted report the assault to the dean of students.?
In addition to deleting the sexual assault requirement, Walker’s budget has also drawn fire for cutting $300 million from education in the Badger State.
Walker’s press secretary, Laurel Patrick, attempted to defend the elimination of the reporting requirements by saying:
“Throughout his time in office, Governor Walker has made protecting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault a top priority. In his last budget, he increased funding for sexual assault victim services while also providing significant funding to support partnerships and state initiatives to shelter and protect victims of domestic abuse. His recent budget proposal increases funding to continue protecting victims and their families.”
Maybe the next time Ms. Patrick is asked to respond, she’ll actually make an attempt to answer the question rather than dancing around it.
Scott Walker is quickly alienating huge groups of potential voters. He need not bother expecting support from union members or their families, women, college students, or anyone who thinks campus sexual assault is a serious issue. Pretty soon you’ll be able to fit Walker supporters into one small room.