Nothing like taking a human tragedy and using it for your own purposes, is there? Too bad Dante isn’t still alive and writing, because if he was, I’m sure he’d want to place Colorado wingnut extremist Gordon?Klingenschmitt in one of the lowest levels of hell.

Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt on Fox   Friends  Air Force Caves to Atheists   YouTube

We all heard about the horrible murder of three Islamic students who were attending the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, just last month. The man charged with their murders was a self-described atheist who frequently posted anti-religious messages on his Facebook page.

Well now?Klingenschmitt has come along and decided that the crime, which may have been a hate crime against the three Muslim students, is actually a hate crime against Christianity. To which I can only say, WTF!? The way?Klingenschmitt sees it, his reasoning must be correct because the suspect, Craig Hicks, posted messages saying?”radical Christians” and “radical Muslims” often have similar positions on many issues. Therefore, the young students were actually murdered:

“Because they were like Christians.”

Gimme a break, Gordon! Now the death of three Muslims is crime against Christianity? So does that mean you’re gonna start going around the state of Colorado declaring how you share a bond with Muslims because you’re a Christian? Nope, didn’t think so.

Having not yet properly proven just how ignorant he is about all matters religious,?Klingenschmitt concluded:

“(This) radical left-wing atheist who is going around killing people of faith … killed these Muslims because they think like Christians.”

Want to hear something even more frightening? Gordon?Klingenschmitt is also a member of the Colorado state House of Representatives! Yeah, he got elected and is now helping make decisions for the state of Colorado. Sleep well, Coloradans.

This is also the same Gordon?Klingenschmitt who in February encouraged 1,000 Christian ministers to step forward and run for political office:

??So we can take back?America for the Kingdom of God in Jesus? name.?

Now he’s peddling a twisted view of the truth in which the death of three students is actually an attack on his faith. What are his plans for April? Calling for the destruction of all nations that refuse to convert to Christianity?

No doubt that idea is already percolating in his fevered, paranoid mind.



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