Fox’s Andrea Tantaros Says Feminists ‘Give It Up Freely’

We thought Bill O’Reilly was a steaming pile of dung! But it turns out he now has some competition in the Fox News family from Andrea Tantaros, who seems to have the severely misguided idea that feminists are the reason children are being born out of wedlock.

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On yesterday’s episode of Fox’s tripe-filled afternoon show known as “Outnumbered,” the hosts were decrying the decline in marriage rates across the country and children being born out of wedlock. Dr. Manny Alvarez, another of the hosts, began by saying:

?This new philosophy sometimes is the way people were brought up, but it’s also because, in my opinion, the whole concept of marriage, whether it is heterosexual marriage or homosexual marriage, whatever the case may be, is really something that people are not paying attention. The concept of fidelity is something that’s being lost.?

The other thing being lost is any semblance of evidence to support that assertion, Doctor, but who am I to question a medical professional such as yourself? Some facts would be nice, but you don’t need them to pontificate on Fox News, where truth is optional.

Rushing to offer her inane opinion, Tantaros offered this bit of pure idiocy:

?Women have been encouraged to give it up freely with the rise of feminism, have sex like a man. So, they’re doing this and they’re not making the guy step up to put a ring on it.?

Really, Andrea? That’s what you’re going with as your contribution to the conversation? How exactly did feminism encourage anyone to “give it up freely?” What does equality for women have to do with sexual habits? How do you make that giant leap from A to Z?

Granted, I don’t expect any kind of reasoned, fact-based debate on Fox. It just isn’t their calling card. But to imply that because women seek to be equal to men in rights, pay, and other benefits in our society means they are somehow more likely to sleep around is nothing short of absurd. And to hear this kind of crap coming from a woman makes it even more disgusting.

Watch Andrea Tantaros make a fool of herself on Fox below!