If wingnut televangelist Pat Robertson gets his wish, The Walking Dead may soon have some competition for ratings. Robertson, who has been known to say some unusual things over the years, now wants to bring Ronald Reagan back from the dead to lead America.

Image Via Craveonline

Robertson, on his show The 700 Club (no doubt that refers to the number of people in the world who still think Robertson has even the most tenuous grip on reality…), was praising the 40th President of the United States and comparing him to President Obama. Reagan, Robertson said, was a courageous leader who “spoke truth about our enemies.”

Personally, I don’t have the heart to tell Brother Pat that Reagan also sold arms to Iran and illegally diverted money from those sales to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua. Let the man revel in his delusions, I say.

Then Pat completely jumped the shark and wistfully declared:

?I wish Reagan would rise from the dead and come back.?

Yes! A zombie President! Brilliant! That would scare the bejeezus out of ISIS and the Iranians. Image sitting across a negotiating table in Switzerland and on the other side is zombie Reagan sizing you up, smiling as he imagines how you would taste if and when he decides to devour your flesh. You’d sign anything he offered just so you could get the hell out of there.

Robertson, however, wasn’t quite finished extolling the late President, so he added:

?He believed in America, he believed in fundamental values and he wasn’t ashamed to enunciate them. The current president does not believe in America, he does not believe in the fundamental values, he was raised in a different environment entirely and his mentors have been leftists who don’t really love this country.?

Zombie Reagan to the rescue! Give him a handful of human-flavored jelly beans and he’ll solve the world’s problems. Sure, he looks kinda gnarly and frightens the children, but just imagine the possibilities!


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