The National Consumer Law Center created a list of 22 states that have laws which allow the state to suspend driver licenses for people who default on student loans. But it’s not just driver licenses that can be affected. Their are various professional licenses affected by these laws, including doctors, social workers, barbers, transportation professionals, and lawyers — just to name a few.
Here is the list of the states with those kinds of laws:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Illionois
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Montana
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virgina
- Washington
Two state legislatures, Iowa and Montana, are working on bills that would repeal laws that allow states to suspend the driver licenses of student loan defaulters. Even if those appeals are successful, there are still 20 states that would still have these laws on the books.
The argument against these laws seems like common sense. If you take away a person’s drivers license, then how are they going to get to work and pay back the loan? Amazingly many conservatives defend the law saying things like “well they should have thought about that…”
It’s truly an idiotic argument designed to defend unwarranted punishment of those who fall on hard times. And of course Fox News, would be one of the first networks to cheer lead?this conservative mentality. Please make sure you watch this clip below from Fox news on an empty stomach.