A Message From Black Men And Women

We all know the stereotypes about black people in America. Unfortunately, in some cases those stereotypes become truth for too many people — and not just in America.

But in every case, those stereotypes are just ugly labels used by those who are insecure about themselves and that includes those who behave within a stereotype.? We’ve seen what happens when people reach a boiling point…when the threshold of tolerance breaks within a black community. We’ve seen a black little league baseball team lose their world championship? title and then they are called the worst kinds of names, and all because their coach decided to cheat regarding a roster zoning issue.

Far too often we see white suspects held to account as individuals in the media, and yet black suspects represent their entire race. Many times we’ve seen black suspects killed for offering resistance in situations where white suspects lived.

As humans, we all learn so much about ourselves when we decide not to make every issue just about how we feel, but rather try to take time to?learn about another person’s? perspective.

These videos highlight the struggles and misconceptions people have about black men and women. The videos?speak to the common truths they both share. Please enjoy these enlightening videos and please spread the truth.

A message from black men:

A message from black women: