Nutbag Conservative Columnist: Genocide Of Christians In United States Is Imminent

In recent months it seems that every right wing religious extremist has been coming out of the woodwork to let loose with all kinds of dire predictions for the future of the United States and the world. Now we have one of them saying that Christian genocide is just around the corner.

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John Zmirak, a conservative columnist and editor of James Robison’s ?The Stream” website, said in a radio interview recently that American Christians are about to be persecuted to the point of genocide, just like?Armenians during the Armenian Genocide in Turkey, Jews in Nazi Germany, and Tutsis in Rwanda.

Calling up the case of the pizzeria owners in Indiana who said they would refuse to cater a same-sex marriage, Zmirak–who quite obviously knows next to nothing about history–declared:

?It’s happened so many times before, and all the signs are there that the enemies of Christianity are seeing ?how much can we get away with??

Last time I checked, Christians were still in the majority in this country, and by significant numbers. So just because some folks called out the owners of a pizza joint for being bigoted jerks that means American Christians are gonna be rounded up, placed into concentration camps, and executed? Gimme a break!

Zmirak, not content to leave the matter alone, then said within five years:

“(W)e?re going to see ourselves reduced to the status of second-class citizens the way Christians are in countries like Egypt and Syria.?

Did you notice both of the examples he gave are in the Middle East, which is already predominantly Muslim? No need to use logic or reason when you’re predicting the worst.

With a final flourish of inane babbling, Mr. Zmirak concluded:

“I think this vilification of faithful Christians could lead to violence in America. I think the churches have been persecuted before, Christians are being persecuted all around the world by Islamists ? and the U.S. government is doing nothing, of course ? I could imagine Americans standing by while churches are padlocked and pastors are arrested for being hatemongers, while children are being taken away from their parents because they don’t want them to be taught they’re extremist views.”

Do you suppose Brother Zmirak has any idea how offensive his comments must be to those who have truly been the victims of genocide over the centuries? Better question: Do you suppose he cares? No. Certainly not. To care about the feelings of others would require the kind of true Christian charity and concern that this insensitive asshat doesn’t possess.