4 Tricks Elites Use to Invalidate Voters

Political debate in the United States is a train wreck by design. Voters on the left and right not only disagree but actually revile their opponents. The one thing they do agree on is the government no longer represents the will of the people. The hostile nature of political discussion and the unresponsiveness of elected officials are linked.

MCAD Library via Flickr
MCAD Library via Flickr

The ridiculously wealthy use politicians and the media to keep the voting public from uniting behind any meaningful changes. They control the whole process so well that they almost assure the outcome they want. Liberals and conservatives must realize the ways they are being manipulated or things will only get worse.

1. Put?voters on the defensive

One of the most central desires of any human being is to live a life that has worth. By framing every issue as an attack upon the very value of a person’s existence, the power players inspire a predictably rabid reaction. Take the recent fuss over SNAP benefit restrictions.

Liberals see conservatives supporting such legislation and ascribe it to cruelty or disdain for those less fortunate. While this might be true for some tiny percentage of the population, it is not the case for the average conservative American. The way the issue is presented to conservatives is designed to devalue the struggles and hard work they put into building their lives. Portraying beneficiaries of public assistance as lazy freeloaders, implies that liberals don’t respect or value the work that conservatives put into providing for their own families.

Both sides feel like they are under attack simply for trying to live, so naturally both sides tighten their defenses and retaliate. It doesn’t matter who wins the argument on this or any other single issue. The result is further polarization and increased mistrust of opposing views.

2. Keep voters too busy reacting to act.

Ever notice how the majority of activist groups seem to be against something rather than for anything. Some congressmen spend their whole careers opposing the president. Even liberal groups and politicians are guilty of this reactionary mentality. Voters on both sides will vote for candidates they would not support for no other reason than to oppose the other party.

There are plenty of things voters agree would be good for the country, like infrastructure improvement. These issues don’t elicit the same kind of reaction as wedge social issues, so they are not going to get much attention from the media or politicians. Opposing something is nowhere near as useful as proposing a solution. Which is why the public is constantly called upon to stand in opposition to one issue or another.

3. Rig elections by controlling candidate choices.

Primaries are still nearly a year away, but the real voting has already begun. Sadly the only voters in this election are?the fabulously wealthy.? It is referred to as the money primary and has only gotten more important in recent years. Individuals and organizations with billions of dollars to spend will decide which candidates have the ability to run in the primary. The necessity of huge campaign contributions forces potential candidates to curry favor with the wealthy in order to finance their bid for office.

By the time primary ballots are set the super-rich have already effectively eliminated any candidates who don’t play by their rules.? The recent threats against the entire Democratic Party, due to Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s stance on financial issues, show just how serious this situation has become. By election day the direction of the country has already been decided, voters only get to choose whether a democrat or republican gets to carry it out.

4. Make sure voters lack the facts.

The facts on many issues are either intentionally obscured or outright suppressed in order to keep the public from being able to have an honest discussion. The debate over climate change is a perfect example of business interest buying time by confusing the issue in any way possible. When the wealthy can count on their politicians to help this is all that is necessary. Everybody argues about what to debate and the real issues never get discussed.

Some legislation is so outrageous that even congress isn’t allowed to read it. The proposed fast track of the TPP requires congress to vote without knowing any of the terms. ?As for the general public, the terms of the trade agreement will only be declassified four years after it is implemented. Sen. Elizabeth Warren had it explained to her in no uncertain terms.

Many legitimate points of contention exist between liberal and conservative voters. It is easy to see the opposition in any debate as the enemy, but the truth is everyone is in this together. To change the dynamic there must first be a willingness to talk rather than attack. Voters must proactive and stand for something rather than against anything. It is time to stop listening to politicians and pundits. Instead they need to listen to the voters.

Rather than fighting with friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family over differences find common ground and together the voice of the people will overpower the desires of the corrupt. This world and nation are at a turning point. Everyone must decide whether to be remembered for shaping the future or being too proud to work together.