We are all guilty of watching videos of people doing stupid things that probably injure them mildly to severely. Remember the Jackass era? I do. My husband actually hasn’t seen the movies strangely enough. I’ve seen both. ?I also have cousins who did things that were?Jackass-worthy.?My cousin broke his arm going down a homemade zip line. There was alcohol involved.

I like to think of these things as good ways to teach your kids not to do stupid things. Hopefully, they aren’t impressionable and think?that’s an awesome thing to do. If so, I apologize.

So, here’s a video of someone doing something extremely stupid. It’s extreme pyrotechnics to say the least. Please teach your kids not to play with fireworks/fire/things that explode and definitely teach them not to stick them up their nose. If they insist on doing it, please teach them not to put it on the Internet and let the world know how stupid they are. As my little sister says, “the Internet is forever Sister.” What happened to just sticking straws, chop sticks, or pencils up your nose?

Watch the video below!


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