This video contains old Hollywood film and cartoons depicting offensive black stereotypes. I wish I could say that this attitude is a thing of the past, but shows like Empire and Scandal seems to suggest otherwise. While I do know and see a lot of my own people who fit certain stereotypical behavior, I also know many more who do not. It’s unfortunate that racists make it seem as if the few defines the many when it comes to black people.

Blacks have fought long and hard to over come stereotypes created by racists. We’ve even come to a point in history where America had elected its first black president. However, that did not seem to bring about racial unity. If anything, it revealed deep-seated divisions between blacks and whites.? If you read a lot of comments on the internet, it would seem racists are growing in number. Here are a few examples from the comment?section of this video.
The objective behind these stereotypes is simple. Stereotypes are designed to re-enforce superiority. In this case, it’s white supremacy. Re-enforcing white supremacy has been an American tradition since its founding. It’s just plain silly to believe that ingrained cultural defect just magically disappeared in 1964.
These stereotypes may seem harmless, but they have very deadly consequences. Especially when it comes to blacks and law enforcement. So often black males are approached with apprehension and fear, creating the very real possibility of something going horribly wrong. Many racists would say this fear is justified, they are some of the same people who see nothing wrong with the video below.