Bobby Jindal Stumping In Iowa?

The GOP candidates gathered this weekend for the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition summit, and took a break from their ideas on foreign policy to discuss much more important matters, like the definition of marriage.

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It was no surprise that Bobby Jindal had much to say, considering his op-ed that ran Thursday in The New York Times regarding this very matter. His preacher-esque enthusiasm and anecdotes may have had the evangelicals laughing and applauding, but has left many more (admittedly left-wing) Americans wondering if Jindal really understands the definition of ?religious liberty.? The Republican governor of Louisiana stated,

?The United States of America did not create religious liberty, religious liberty created The United States of America.?

But what does that really mean?

The last time I checked, the First Amendment clearly stated,

?Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …?

There is a big difference between religious liberty and religious overhaul, a difference that Jindal clearly fails to see in this instance. Quite comical considering he opposes Common Core Education calling it the ?Federal takeover of what should be local decisions.? (Louisiana ranked as one of the worst educations systems in America in 2014 Wallethub rankings.)

With the weekend coming to an end, and the GOP Candidates packing up and leaving Iowa, we can’t help but wonder if this whirlwind Saturday night will help boost Jindal’s rankings in Iowa, as he was barely breaking 2% in Iowa polls, and we ?radical left wing? liberals are left quoting Hank Hill for lack of better words…

?Goddangit, Bobby?