New York Man Leaves 7,000 Percent Tip To Waitress

The 15 percent and 20 percent tip?is?a more common gratuity when dining out, but one New York man left his waitress a 7000 percent tip.

Courtesy of ABC
Courtesy of ABC

Mike, the good samaritan left an unsuspecting waitress a tip?of $3,000. Yet his bill was only $43.50!

According to Mike, who prefers to stay anonymous,?in an interview with ABC,

“This woman had been serving us for almost a year now. She’s a lovely individual, and she talked about how she was served an eviction notice last month. I just had also been constantly thinking about for quite some time my teacher’s project and this foundation, and I thought it was an appropriate time.?

Mike is referring to a foundation “ReesSpecht?Life“, a pay it forward movement started by Mike’s eighth grade science teacher Rich Specht, who lost his 22 month old son in a drowning incident.

Rich and his wife started the movement to give back to those that helped them through their difficult time.

Mike wanted to honor his teacher in some way by giving back. Mike had this to say about Specht

“I met Mr. Specht in eighth grade — I was his science student ? and he’s an incredible human being. To see something so horrible happen to him … it doesn’t surprise me that he would start a foundation out of something so horrible that would juts continue to keep good around and to keep wonderful things going. It was heartwrenching for me to see it happen. I had been trying to pay it forward and this was just a big opportunity for me to be able to honor someone that’s so wonderful.?

Mike wanted to help in some way and knowing the rents of Manhattan, he chose a $3,000 tip.

Mike also had this to say about the waitress,

?She really needed it and has been so happy since then, so I feel I did the right thing. She said she was going to devote herself to the foundation and continue to pay it forward.?

The moral of the story isn’t just?to go and pay out thousands of dollars to someone,?but rather to?do what you can to help others and find an inspiration. In Mike’s case the inspiration was from his former teacher. I think in today’s world we are so caught up in our daily lives that it turns us sour towards others. It’s people like this that shed light on hope for our society, because we should all pay it back to others.

It doesn’t matter if you gave a large amount of money or no money, just find a way to help others.

Tanner Bisbee hails from the great State of Maine. He's a full time college student and serves on the football staff at school. His most notable work to date is his book Modern Day Sports Blog. To read more check out my blog