I love Pinterest. Why? It opens up so many possibilities for me to expand my creative outlet. It also gives me the possibility of creating something that is absolutely a HOT MESS and looks nothing like?the Pinterest version. Pinterest is the reason so many hobbies have been started and stopped soon after.
I fortunately never got into cake decorating. I just didn’t want to spend the money to get into it.?However, some folks go full throttle into cake decorating, and the results are bad, really bad, terrible, horrible, unbelievable, DISASTROUS, and HILARIOUS!
This one has done its rounds on the Internet. It deserves another round.?I’m not sure what animal you would call the second cake; however, I feel it looks like a mix between a wet cat and a possum.
I’m really not sure who would want a hedgehog?cake (to each their own); however, I’m sure they didn’t want the second one.?I do love the way it looks like it’s snarling though.
I know what?contributed to this disaster. It was 3 am. Whoever made this cake was cruising Pinterest?mindlessly for ideas for?baby shower cakes. When they saw the original photo, they immediately thought, “Oh, I can do that, and they’ll love it! In fact, it will be my gift to them!” I love how?resourceful they were with the saran wrap.
Nothing is more awesome than baby chicks/ducks. Nothing is more awesome than baby chick/duck cupcakes. The only way to make them more awesome would be to do the actual cake inside red for a realistic flare.?However, the second?version looks like all the chicks were all ate by a fox and the one in front got away and is mourning the loss of his friends. Sad chick/duck. 🙁
Spongebob Squarepants has been a driving force in the kids’ cartoon world for ages now. It’s still popular, right? I mean my kid begged?me in the only way a three year old knows how to beg for a Spongebob ship toy (or something) yesterday. Bribery works wonders.
So, I can see a kid really wanting a Spongebob cake.?Apparently however, the person making the cake was on an acid trip… or something. Never mind the fact that the show is already like an acid trip from hell. Meth. It’s a helluva drug.
I know exactly what happened here. The person?trying to replicate this cake got started, found out it was taking way longer?than they expected and started chucking handful of sprinkles at their version of the cake.
I’m not a huge fan of modern art. Give me Renaissance, Baroque, the Masters of painting/sculpting. However, I do realize and appreciate that splatter art can be quite… inspiring(?) to some. However, let the masters?do it.
I love paisley anything. I have 1,500 purses with some sort of paisley design on them. I can even see?myself ordering paisley cookies. I’d have to take beautiful pictures first before eating them. If somebody handed me the second?version of the cookies, however, I’m pretty sure I would cry.
My son is only three. I’m pretty sure, however, I wouldn’t be able to get away with this unbelievable version of a superhero cake.
I’m not sure what any of this is. I’m just going to go with this idea. Around 14 years of age, girls start becoming young women and nature begins to take its toll on their bodies. This is a possible?symbolic, yet tasty, way of celebrating that journey into womanhood.
I collect Barbie dolls. To put a Barbie doll in anything other than on a beautiful shelf is sacrilege to me. To put it in what looks like a spa filled with overflowing dook is unspeakable.
… I know that an innocent child most likely should not know the significance of this cake (I would hope). I know it’s in the mind of the adult. I know adults would be polite. However, you have people, like me, who would be red faced trying to hold it back before dying laughing in a corner while taking pictures on their phone and sending them to friends.?Yes, I’m as mature as a 13-year-old boy. I don’t blame you if you don’t want to invite me to birthday parties where there might be awesome and unbelievable penis tower princess cakes. It won’t hurt my feelings.
Seriously? Come on guys. Let it go. Don’t you remember?The Little Mermaid fiasco with one of the towers in the background looking like a penis? They fired the poor guy at Disney for that! Don’t try to make towers out of cakey-cake goodness. I do, however, like how the top part is a different color than the… shaft (what else can I call it?). It makes it a bit more realistic.
Now you’re just trying to make me look like a jackass. Good job. You’ve succeeded Internet.