There is a very controversial video about racism on YouTube that has a lot of people debating. The video is titled “Why Do White People Hate Black People.”


The creator of the video goes by the name Onision. He is a popular YouTube personality with his own channel. Onision gives his opinion on different cultural topics.

In this video he addresses the?argument people make about racism, and his criticism is pretty evenly directed?for both whites and blacks.? He addresses stereotypes and general ignorant remarks people make when debating racism.

It’s a fascinating video that will probably anger both sides of the racism debate. This may be one reason why I liked it. While racism is really about power, and not just one type of social-racial dynamic. Ignorance is something that transcends race, and is the true enemy of mankind.

Here is the video. Language is an issue – this is most probably NSFW – just so you know.


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