Ann Coulter Has Claimed White America Has Done Enough To Make Up For Slavery

The female version of Rush Limbaugh has opened her mouth and vomited toxic waste yet again…

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr..
Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr..

Sean Hannity devoted 20 minutes of his show, Hannity, to raging over First Lady Michelle Obama’s commencement address at Tuskegee University over the weekend, and of course, Ann Coulter showed up and made an ass of herself on national television. Mind you the right wing nut jobs were probably nodding their head an agreement, but nevertheless, she opened her mouth and and made claims that reeked with the stench of ignorance, racism, and hate.

Coulter started off strong with the idiocy and claimed she had a black perspective. Even if it is a joke, it’s a bad one.

“Well, I liked your first four guests on it, but now we’re going to get the black perspective on this.”

Ann dear, you don’t have a drop of decency in you much less black perspective, so shut your pie hole.

She then went on and added these gems:

“Who is victimized the most by the predator class in the black community? Of course, other blacks. Law abiding blacks don’t like this… this nonsense about the peaceful protesters. No I want a milk carton ad for has anyone seen a peaceful protester in Baltimore?”

“Yes, America does owe black America for slavery for democratic policies of Jim Crow. I think we’re making it up now. When you’re getting admitted to Princeton when you can’t read… is that enough yet? That isn’t helping.”

“Oh my gosh, this nonsense about so many blacks are in prison… well how did they get there? I want to see the innocent person in prison.”

Ann, I believe you should speak to Anthony Ray Hinton, the black man that was finally released after 30 years on death row in Alabama this year.

If you can stomach it, here’s the video of Coulter on Hannity. I’m going to go rinse my ears out with bleach now.


To see more of Fox raging on about the First Lady’s commencement speech check out this article. To see the RWNJ Twitter reactions, check this article out.