A San Francisco deputy public defender was handcuffed and arrested at the Hall of Justice after she objected to city police officers questioning her client outside a courtroom, an incident that her office called outrageous and police officials defended as appropriate.

Earlier this year A San Francisco Deputy public defender, Jami Tillotson, was handcuffed and arrested in a court house because she objected to a police investigator taking photos of her clients.

The investigator was working another case when he determined that her client was a person of interest in another case. He proceeded to try and take Tillotson’s client’s picture and the criminal defense attorney had the audacity to challenge him.

The investigator told Tillotson that if she did not back down and let him do as he pleased, he would have her arrested for get this; resisting arrest!

criminal defense attorney
Screen grab from video

Tillotson did not back down and right in front of the cameras she was arrested by the deputies on the scene.

The investigator went ahead and took his photos of Tillotson’s clients while she was lead away in handcuffs.

I personally don’t care if her clients were the perpetrators of the crime that the investigator was investigating. For a police officer to so casually toss aside the rights of a criminal defense attorney and her clients in a court room, shows that we have a very deep problem in our legal system. This is the price we pay for allowing the police to grow into what they’ve become. It’s time?for citizens to re-train the police and ensure that they protect and serve not just the people, but our rights as well.

The first video below is of the original story, and the second video is the updated story detailing what happened after the arrest.




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