Had the ancient people had the imagination to even imagine the concept of the internet, they would think of it as a place of infinite knowledge and wonder. If they could actually see 10 percent of the stupid things we do on the internet, they may be inclined to walk off a cliff in despair. Prank viral campaigns are like stupid warning signs letting mankind know that we need to turn around and seek a better path.

One of the most recent stupid warning signs is a viral prank campaign titled “Squad Put Em In A Coffin.”

stupid warining signs
Image from knowyourmeme.com

Participants in this stupid activity find various targets like cars, store displays, bushes, tables, pools, etc…and they proceed to yell out “Squad Put Em In A Coffin!” before jumping or falling backwards with their arms crossed onto their target. This prank has cost people thousands of dollars in damaged property, and lots of wasted time by businesses cleaning up their mess. They seem to target a lot of car hoods, leaving huge dents on other peoples vehicles.

It seems to be mostly teenagers and young adults engaging in this activity, and it’s only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt or killed by pranking the wrong person.

Most people might ask, why share this video? Are you not promoting the behavior by sharing it?

I would say that people need to be aware about this video and maybe talk to their kids to see if they know about it. Talk to them about the dangers of trying stupid pranks like this and that they should respect the working poor as well as other people’s property in general.

I believe we can’t afford to ignore stupidity whether it’s in the form of a racist cop or a stupid teenager pulling a prank. If we ignore stupidity, it just becomes more emboldened and the behavior spreads.

So here is the video.

tag: stupid warning signs


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