bpWe don’t need a financial advisor to know how wrong this is. The recently passed GOP Federal Budget?slashes?every social program from pre-school to senior safety nets.?Democrats responded by accurately calling it ?a recipe for national decline,? as it goes after healthcare, anti-poverty programs, schools and student loans, and Social Security — all while raising taxes on the middle-class, breaking promises to veterans, and boosting military spending. [See Source]

The GOP budget is the working poor worst nightmare. Kansas GOP Gov, Sam Brownback signed controversial welfare legislation recently limiting Kansas welfare receipts to $25 per day from ATMs, and restricts receipts from using their cards at swimming pools, movie theaters, casino’s, and liquor stores.?Seems the Republican Red States rampage has begun.

The Healthcare Nightmare

There have been 37 new rules in 11 states creating more barriers to abortion issues concerning parental consent and mandatory waiting periods, just to name a few. This budget would cut health insurance to 27 million people. Obamacare goes bye-bye and Medicaid expansion along with it — despite what any financial advisor may say benefits the country.

The Republican’s are pushing their lobbyist agenda that says healthcare is not a human right but a service and if you can’t afford it “go fend for yourselves.” ?The GOP budget would demoralise healthcare for the sick and poor.

Medicaid provides 70 million poor Americans with health related services.?We are talking single parents, people with disabilities, and the elderly. The GOP budget would repeal Medicaid expansion. No matter how you rationalise it, the GOP budget would reduce options for some of our society’s most vulnerable people.

The Social Security Nightmare

The GOP budget puts Social Security up for grabs, again despite what any knowledgeable financial advisor might say. The Republican claim that Social Security is driving the debt has been proven false. Their declared crisis on Social Security is a smoke screen for their real intentions, which is to dismantle and privatize the system. The GOP budget cut 300 billion to food stamps. Tens of millions of children will be affected by these cuts. Financial advisor research shows that food stamp money has an immediate and direct effect on the economy — a positive one.

The Education Nightmare

What would a GOP budget cut be without reductions in Public School programs and funds? The GOP Budget does not view education as a good investment. A financial advisor would disagree. This budget would lower our level of spending to an all-time low. Children will lose access to Headstart, and it would create job losses for teachers — especially Special Education teachers.

The GOP budget would make college out of reach and more expensive. The GOP budget will cut 200 billion from higher education. Say bye-bye to Pell Grants. The only message a fair-minded person could conclude from this is the Republican Party wants a dumbed down society and this has been their plan for decades now.

Also, Adult Job Training Programs would be cut drastically and scientific research in America would come to a screeching halt.

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The Christian Left

The Middle Class Nightmare

The GOP budget raises taxes on middle and working class families. These are the folks who would need a financial advisor. Too bad they won’t be able to actually afford one.

This budget would end annual tax credits that help millions pay for college. It [GOP Budget] would allow key provisions to expire regarding Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.

The National Priorities Project analysis of the GOP budget said these moves would raise taxes on millions of working families. [See Report]

With a middle-class needing good jobs that pay a living wage so desperately, this GOP Budget would postpone needed infrastructure repairs that hamper job growth for the working class of?America.

The Veterans Nightmare

The GOP budget cuts discretionary funding for vets next year by $1.9 billion and envisions $20 billion in cuts over the next decade. That’s coming as vets from Iraq and Afghanistan are returning with horrible injuries requiring more?not less?health care and services.

At the same time, the GOP budget uses loopholes to add $187 billion for next year’s overseas military operations ?for unrelated defense needs,? the House Budget Committee Democrats said.

This is more of the ?love war but abandon the soldier? pattern that’s existed for years in Washington.

In closing, thankfully we have a president in the White House who will never sign off on this GOP budget nightmare. But what a great example of why it’s imperative that we Democrats get to the polls in 2016. This budget by the Republicans is not only an example of their mean-spirited ideology; its a road map for dismantling the federal government and would make life much harder for millions of Americans.

This is why the GOP Budget is the working poor worst nightmare. One doesn’t need a financial advisor to see that. [See Source]

Read The 2016 GOP Budget Here

Here is a video with Bernie Sanders explaining.


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