Harassment Discrimination: Black Teens Criminalized For Waiting On Bus

This story involves young men waiting at a bus stop at El Centro College, in Dallas, Texas, on March 25, 2015.

harassment discrimination

The young men are approached by a black campus security female who proceeds to live out her fantasy of being a tough cop working the streets of a black neighborhood. In the video you see how the young men are instantly criminalized — they are questioned and threatened.

Fortunately, a student captured the incident on his cell phone while he happened to be out for a smoke. He makes comments on how the young men were doing nothing wrong; they were just waiting for their bus. However, the female officer does not seem interested in concerning herself with any other facts other than the preconceived suspicions she seemed determined to confirm.

Many people would note that the officer was a black female. Conservatives would ask how could it be harassment, discrimination, or racism? Personally, I’m sick of trying to explain that; it’s like explaining why the sky is blue to a colorblind caveman.

I wonder how many white conservative parents would be horrified if their kids were treated this way while waiting for a bus? Yet conservatives don’t seem to understand that minorities, especially black males, face harassment and discrimination on a daily basis. The circular logic of criminalization continues.

Here is the video: