It’s pretty easy to find adults making racist comments just about anywhere nowadays. Just about every story involving a minority will have comments from trolling white supremacists.?But it seems parents of a young boy have internet racism to a whole new low.
In this video you see a young boy, who is maybe 7-10 years old, making some of the most vile and racist comments you’ve ever heard come out of a child’s mouth.
There is no way this child could have thought of all this hate by himself. I believe that he was coached by those filming him. I am a firm believer in?freedom of speech, but I think this crosses the line from free speech to child abuse. I would say that these parents should be ashamed, but it would be a waste because they obviously have no sense of nor even understand the concept of decency.
Let me warn you: this video has extremely offensive and vulgar language. I couldn’t really watch all of it. Hopefully this video can serve as a warning to parents out there with children who joke around with racism. It’s not a big leap from joking around become a full blown racist like this young kid. His racist comments were deplorable, but maybe he still has time to turn his life around.
Here is the video. Discretion is strongly advised.