D?Anthony White, who is blind, certainly qualifies as handicapped. But someone in Maryland had a major problem with the fact that his fiance parked their vehicle–which is clearly marked with a handicapped placard–in a handicapped space while they went shopping.
When they returned, they found this note on their car, which Mr. White decided to post on Facebook:
White says this is far from the only time he’s faced rude comments or harassment because he doesn’t appear to be handicapped:
?From a distance, I’m a tall, healthy looking, strong guy. So people don’t think ?disabled.’??I try not to let any of the ignorance bother me too much ? then they’ve won. I keep going because it definitely beats the alternative! And, this bigot won’t get me down either.?
White also hopes that people will one day realize that not all disabilities are visible, but that doesn’t make them any less real:
?All disabilities are not visible.?Just because you can’t see my disability, don’t make the assumption I don’t have one.?
Disability rights activists say harassment, including property damage to vehicles and hateful notes are on the rise across the country, but they remind people of the following:
?Just because the logo for handicapped parking?shows someone in a wheelchair doesn’t mean that everybody who uses [a placard]?will be in one.?
For his part,?D?Anthony White says he used to apologize when people didn’t notice his disability, but he will not do so anymore:
?I’ve stopped saying sorry. I say excuse me. Sorry don’t live here no more.?