Ever Seen A Dog Do A Handstand On A Rope? Well, You’re About To (Video)

It sounds ridiculous to even ask the question, but indulge me: Have you ever seen a dog do a handstand on a rope? And your response will probably be: No, because a dog can’t do that.

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Then perhaps it’s time you met Ozzy, full name?Ozbert Humpledink Pumperknickle. When you see how easily he does a handstand on a rope, you’ll be willing to cut him some slack on the name.

Ozzy and his owner,?Nick Johnson of Norwich, England, worked on the handstand trick for two years before perfecting it, and always with positive training methods, Johnson says:

“My work with Ozzy on tricks is always done using positive reinforcement methods. I work out what Ozzy wants (frisbee) and he has to work out what I want (handstand on rope). There is no failure, only encouragement. The real work is being as subtle as possible to help Ozzy get the frisbee.”

Ozzy has gotten so good at amazing feats that he even has his own channel on YouTube. Go pay him a visit and see what else this amazing canine can do. For now, enjoy the show!

Watch Ozzy Do A Handstand On A Rope!

h/t: The Dodo