Brain Surgery Patient Plays While Doctor Operates

Courtesy of Nossa Senhora da Concei??o hospital
A Brazilian Banker, Anthony Kulkamp Dias, 33, plays the guitar and sings Yesterday while conscious during his operation to remove a brain tumor. Courtesy of Nossa Senhora da Concei??o hospital

Recently, Anthony Kulkamp Dias, a banker from Brazil, was diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumor. Like most life-threatening tumors, Dias went to the doctor after symptoms presented in the form of slurred speech and cognitive difficulties. The tumor Dias had was located in the part of his brain that controls speech and coordination skills. The doctors scheduled him for surgery and asked him to bring his guitar when they found out about his musical aptitude. The hospital where his surgery was taking place had performed 18 other surgeries where doctors operated on a patient’s brain while they performed tasks in order to ensure the removal of the tumor wasn’t impacting the part of each respective patient’s brain that controlled motor skills or other functions. Dias played 6 different songs throughout the duration of the 9-hour surgery to remove approximately 90% of the tumor in his brain. He was released in good health and now will forever live in the history of YouTube trends.

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