Apple Has Created A Male Virtual Personal Assistant I’d Go Straight For

Well, not really, but maybe they should. Even as a gay female, I absolutely hate the programmed robotic voice of Siri in any incarnation.

Image courtesy of Nikkylicious

On occasion someone spoofs the perfect product, but it never quite makes it to the?mainstream marketplace. Perhaps the male version of Siri?is something?Apple should consider marketing?- but maybe without the misogynistic aspect.

We’re all too familiar with Siri, Apple’s virtual personal assistant. As described on Wikipedia,

“Siri is a part of Apple Inc.’s iOS which works as an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator. The feature uses a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Web services.”

People seem to either love Siri, or they hate her. There is no in-between.

Siri made her first appearance with iPhone 4. She has been spoofed numerous times, including on the hit TV show Big Bang Theory, where character Raj falls in love with his new phone “girlfriend.”?They are all hilarious.

Here’s a brief clip from the Big Bang episode:

For some people, she has become an invaluable asset. Siri will maintain your calendar, appointments, send you reminders, keep a shopping list, find anything and everything you can imagine on the Internet. Siri has the capability to do pretty much everything for you except eat meals and pee.

Here is an informational commercial (a real one with Samual L. Jackson and everything) about Siri and some of her capabilities:

Finally – the male version, spoofed in grand fashion. Named Sir, and?complete with?a very exaggerated and?disgustingly trashy personality:

What do you?think? Should Apple pursue the creation of a male virtual personal assistant for us gals? I mean, if they’did it right -?I’d be all over it!